All geared up and ready to start our hike!!!!
One of the irritating thing here besides the scotching sun and dryness are the sand flies!!! The sand flies here were really really irritating!!! It’s just follow you everywhere by using anything on you as mean of easy transport!!! It just try to go in any holes!!! your nostrils, your mouth, your eyes…etc!!! It’s a bit hard not be bother by their presence but once you reached a stage where you have no more energy to shoo them away and just try to ignore them as much as possible (they just too many and they never leave u).
Amazing view at the start!!!
The walk started with an easier pace with flatter path, but as we entered the gorge, the path turns into a bed of stones that were creeks when there’s water before. The stony path was SUPER GOD DAMN hard to walk on, especially for Chung because he wored a pair of normal running sport shoes, his shoes proved unsuitable for this kind of trek. It thinner than hiking boots and it’s hard to balance. Luckily his shoes still held up.
Rock glass trees (bottom left)
The trees and rocks here just looked so colourful, the eucalyptus tree bark are everywhere and their colour blend in so well with the surroundings, and the rocks here are deep red in colour. And trust me it’s MUCH MUCH harder to walk on the bed of different shape and size of stones (bottom right pic)!!!!!!!