(Do you see a dragon eating one of the tabur peak?)
Yet another Tabur trip, i have been bringing people and frens to this beautiful heritage, yet this time it was the biggest group i have ever brought. Altogether 30 ppl, frens and fren of frens. Haha. We have microbe, fiziks and genetics, WOW!!! Some of my frens have long heard of this bukit, yet din manage to go, so finally it was all planned and ready to go. Luckily kang wei can still can make it to join us eventhough he had a tight schedule for his sample collections.

Randy always the funny one....wahaha.

A group of microbes and TMC

Din expect wei xuan to join the trip as well, she was invited by TMC...wahaha, wat a surprise!!!

Somewhere in the earlier stage of the hike....

HEhe, Randy owez acting funny anywhere in front of the camera, now he was acting terrified by the climb just now.

Surprisingly, we were joined by a stray dog that seems to be very familiar with the trek as well, haha, somewhere, somehow it disappeared, lost track of the dog.

There's randy and wei keat....

We bum into a gal being so relax enjoying the view in front. She's cool, isn't she!!!

Can you see someone in orange in the picture?? That's qian yong!!!

TMC, me with the microbe gang!!

And there's goes......hmmmm.........the couple, wahahaha :P

The genetic gang waiting to go down the rope at one of the small cliff

TMC, me, beh and pl :)

That's one of the microbe junior...he's trying to go down the cliff without the rope!!

Randy too trying to go down without the rope's help!! And down there, you can see Melisa trying to get down with his bf's help.

There's Melisa in closer view trying to stretch her leg

"hui tou shi an", see that? It meant you can still turn back while you can :)

There goes siew khim


Xuan, haha, so happy after she got down!!!

Felix...hmmm, the photo seem to show that he is eating the fern, wahaha.

There's Eliza in orange t-shirt :), this was her first time joining the NPC lab gang for outdoor activities....

A mixed group photo shot...

Going over the ridge....

Those daring and adventurous can opt to go through this little cave....:)

C?? the little cave hole....that wk got through

Mind your steps here...haha.

That's Qian Yong acting funny while hiking

Randy's little brother in red..

Alvin from fizik

Cool eh?? Shot from another peak....

That's me tyring to hike up....haha

well, we went down the hills and alvin shown us another new trail out of the jungle, though it's shorter but it led us to somewhere behind apartments in the hillside...., well, if you like to walk on tar road, you can come out to this place....

A little waterfall cascade alonng the way back....

THe whole BIG group photo...hehe. Great to hike along with you guys!!! YEAHHHHHHHHHH

Unfortunately, if one take a look at the other side of the ridge (not the dam), it's sad to see something like this.....

I meant this place is such a beautiful natural heritage, so many people young and old came over to climb and exercise during weekends and holidays, yet this development that is so near to the ridge is really spoiling the image and have people worried on its effect to the ridge and natural habitants of the Bukit tabur....can someone do something about this??? SIGH......